Embarking on a digital transformation or tackling a complex challenge in your organization can be daunting. It's tempting to try to overhaul the entire system at once, but the most effective approach starts with identifying and addressing the immediate pain points. This is where systems thinking, as discussed in our previous blog, becomes invaluable.

Identifying the Immediate Problem

The first step in any transformative process is to focus on the biggest pain point. Why is this issue causing so much trouble? Analytic thinking helps you understand why this particular problem is critical. By dissecting the issue, you can determine its impact on your operations, resources, and stakeholders. This initial analysis sets the stage for a focused, effective intervention.

Applying Systems Thinking

Once you've pinpointed the core problem, systems thinking allows you to see how this issue fits into the broader context of your operations. This holistic approach, which we emphasized in our blog on integrating art and STEM (STEAM), ensures that you consider all interconnected elements. Systems thinking helps you avoid the pitfalls of isolated fixes that fail to address the root cause of the problem.

For example, in our blog "Innovating at the Intersection: How Systems Thinking Unites Art and STEM," we discussed how analysis alone isn't sufficient. You must synthesize the insights gained to create solutions that are both functional and aesthetically harmonious. This dual approach ensures that your solutions are not only effective but also sustainable and adaptable.

Building Incremental Solutions

With a clear understanding of your pain point and its context, you can start developing small, targeted solutions. These incremental changes are easier to implement and manage, and they pave the way for broader, systemic improvements over time. This strategy aligns with our SPEC framework (Strategy, Process, Execution, Continuous Improvement), which emphasizes a step-by-step approach to transformation.

In our blog "Monolithic Architecture vs. Microservices: Paving the Way for Agile Digital Transformation," we highlighted the benefits of adopting microservices architecture. By breaking down a monolithic system into smaller, more manageable components, you can address specific issues without overhauling the entire system. This modular approach not only enhances flexibility but also facilitates continuous improvement.

Real-World Application: Naryant Fleet Client Success Story

Consider the success story of Naryant’s collaboration with the City of Vancouver (CoV) in managing its fleet operations. CoV faced significant challenges in its journey to becoming zero waste, primarily due to missed pickups that accounted for over half of daily public requests. These issues not only affected resident satisfaction but also added costs equivalent to two full-time routes annually. Additionally, the use of outdated technology made it difficult to track anomalies efficiently. Instead of attempting to replace the entire system at once, Naryant identified the most pressing issues.

In its first year, the implementation of Naryant’s fleet software led to a 25% reduction in missed pickups, a 50% reduction in mid-day dispatches, and a 30% reduction in costs. This targeted intervention not only resolved immediate problems but also laid the groundwork for future enhancements, demonstrating the power of starting small and thinking big. Naryant’s fleet software is now utilized in CoV's park, utility, and winter operations, driving down costs, creating synergies, and delivering results. By providing a modern solution to a range of problems, Naryant shifted CoV's focus back to efficiency and quality of service.


Starting your journey towards solving complex challenges doesn’t require a complete overhaul from the get-go. Focus on the immediate pain points, apply systems thinking to understand the broader context, and develop small, incremental solutions. This approach not only addresses the current issues but also builds a foundation for long-term, systemic improvements.

At Naryant, we believe in leveraging the synergy between human and machine intelligence to drive progress. Contact us today to learn how our holistic, systems-thinking approach can help you start small and achieve big, sustainable results.